During the 2025 inauguration festivities, President Donald Trump and
First Lady Melania Trump attended the Commander-in-Chief Ball, a tradition honoring the nation’s armed forces.
At this event, First Lady Melania Trump shared a dance with U.S. Army Sergeant Henry Waller.
Reflecting on the experience, Sgt described it as an incredible honor,
noting that both he and the First Lady felt a bit nervous under the spotlight.
To ease the atmosphere, he complimented her
, saying she was beautiful and had a beautiful family. In response,
Mrs. Trump inquired about his background,
expressing genuine interest in his service and origins.
The Army Sergeant who danced with Melania
Trump at the Commander-in-Chief ball on inaugural night is speaking out.
All eyes were on the soldier who cut in on the president and gave Melania a twirl.
While Sergeant Henry Waller danced with Melania,
President Trump took a spin with Sergeant Tatiana Saldana from the United States Space Force.
Vice President JD Vance and his wife also swapped dancing partners.