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The Previous Owner of My House Left a Cautionary Note About Our Neighbors – I Didn’t Believe It Until One Day

When we moved into our new house a year ago, everything seemed perfect. The neighborhood was peaceful, the house was beautiful, and we were excited to settle in. Our neighbors, the Johnsons, seemed great as well. They welcomed us with a pie and warm smiles.

“Welcome to the neighborhood!” Jane said cheerfully, holding out a steaming apple pie. Her husband, Tom, stood behind her, grinning and waving.

“Thanks so much,” I replied, taking the pie. “I’m Emma, and this is my husband Mike.”

Mike stepped forward to shake their hands. “Nice to meet you both. We’re really excited to be here.”

We chatted for a bit, and they seemed nice enough. Their house was a little run-down, but that didn’t bother us. Over the next few months, we got to know them better. We hosted barbecues, swam in our pool, and generally got along well.

Three months later, I found a note left by the previous owner in one of the kitchen drawers. It read: “Beware of the Johnsons. They’ll make your life hell. Don’t get too close.”

That evening, I showed the note to Mike. “What do you think about this?” I asked.

He read it and shrugged. “Seems a little over-the-top, don’t you think? They’ve been nothing but friendly.”

I agreed, though something felt off. “Yeah, you’re probably right. It’s probably nothing.”

“Maybe the last owner had personal issues with them,” Mike suggested. “People can be petty.”

We chose to ignore it. Jane and Tom had been friendly neighbors, and we enjoyed spending time together. Every weekend, we invited them over for pool parties and barbecues. We exchanged recipes, borrowed books, and even got gardening advice from Tom.

“Your tomatoes are doing great,” I told Tom one afternoon. “Got any tips?”

Tom beamed with pride. “It’s all about good soil.”

Jane and I often shared book recommendations. “Oh, Emma, you’ll love this one,” she said, handing me a novel. “It’s a real page-turner.”

We gave them permission to use our garden and pool while we went on vacation. It felt good leaving things in the hands of neighbors we trusted.

When we returned from our trip, what we found left us furious. Our garden was trampled, the pool was filthy, and garbage was scattered all over our property. It was a complete disaster.

“What the heck happened here?” Mike shouted, anger boiling over.

“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out,” I said.

We marched over to the Johnsons’ house. Jane answered the door with an overly cheerful smile.

“Hey! How was your vacation?” she asked.

“What happened to our property?” Mike demanded.

Tom joined her on the porch, acting innocent. “It wasn’t us. You can’t prove anything,” he retorted.

I raised an eyebrow. “Why would you think we’d accuse you? Do you know who did this?”

Jane looked nervous. “Maybe it was Ethan and his girlfriend across the road. They’re a bit… strange.”

Not buying their story, we decided to talk to Ethan. When we confronted him, he looked confused, and his girlfriend Olivia was equally surprised.

“We’ve barely left the house,” Ethan said. “We’ve been busy renovating.”

Olivia chimed in. “We installed security cameras recently. They cover part of your property too. You can check them out.”

We reviewed the footage, and what we saw left us stunned. The Johnsons had thrown multiple parties at our house while we were gone. Their guests had trashed the garden, pool, and driveway, and Jane and Tom did nothing to stop them.

“I can’t believe this,” I muttered as we watched Jane laugh while her child spray-painted our fence.

Mike clenched his fists. “Those two-faced liars.”

We thanked Ethan and Olivia and headed back to confront the Johnsons. This time, we didn’t bother with pleasantries.

“Hey, Tom,” I called out. “Let’s talk about the mess on our property.”

Tom opened the door, shrugged, and said, “You’re making a big deal out of some trash. Kids will be kids.”

“Trash?” Mike exploded. “Our property is wrecked!”

“And we saw the security footage,” I added. “You had parties at our house while we were gone.”

Jane’s face went pale. “What footage?”

“The one from Ethan and Olivia’s cameras,” I said, enjoying the panic in her eyes.

That night, Mike and I put a plan into action. We gathered all the trash they’d left, along with some extras, and spread it across their yard. Our kids painted whatever they wanted on the Johnsons’ fence.

The next morning, Jane’s scream echoed through the neighborhood.

“Tom! Look at this!” she shrieked.

We strolled over with coffee mugs in hand. “Everything okay?” I asked sweetly.

Jane glared. “Did you do this?”

I mimicked Tom’s shrug. “You’re overreacting. It’s just trash and some paint.”

Mike added, “Kids will be kids, right?”

The Johnsons were caught, and there was nothing they could do. They tried complaining to the other neighbors, but we showed everyone the security footage of them trashing our property. The neighborhood quickly turned against them.

In the end, they had to clean up their mess, and they learned a valuable lesson. Sometimes, you need to stand up for yourself when people cross the line.

As we walked back home, Mike said, “I’m glad we found that note, even if it was late.”

“Me too,” I replied. “Next time, we’ll listen sooner.”

It wasn’t the neighborhood welcome we expected, but we definitely made some lasting memories. And, surprisingly, we also found some good friends in Ethan and Olivia.

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