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Heartbreaking photo shows shelter pit bull “losing hope” after adoptions fall through — still looking for a home

Rocky, a 3-year-old pit bull, has faced repeated disappointments at Lollypop Farm,

Humane Society of Greater Rochester, since his family was evicted in October 2022.

Despite being adopted twice, he has returned to the shelter after short trial periods,

leaving him in a state of longing for a permanent home.

Rocky’s unique needs make finding the right home challenging, as he thrives best as the only dog in an adults-only environment.

Communications specialist Lindsay Brewer shared that Rocky’s recent return

in September marked another setback in his quest for a loving family.

The shelter, hoping to convey Rocky’s sense of heartbreak, posted a poignant photo.

In the image, Rocky sits alone in his kennel, head bowed, seemingly devastated by yet another day of being overlooked.

Despite the challenges and setbacks, there remains optimism

that Rocky will eventually find a suitable home that meets his specific requirements.

The heartwarming hope persists that someone will recognize

the potential for companionship and love that Rocky, like all shelter dogs, yearns to share with a forever family.

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